Monday, September 10, 2012

This is a fucking hot book. The poetry is raw and attacking, the emotion is honest, and the topics range all over the place.

BLANK CAKE by Misti Rainwater-Lites

Thursday, August 16, 2012

New Book Out

Get Moctezuma's first book, The Book of Real and Imaginary Girlfriendsin digital format for your Kindle or other reader in a matter or seconds. If you have an Amazon account, please "like" my book. 

If you'd like to write a review I will send you a free copy of the book.  

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Book Cover Makers

Adding Bookmarks to your Kindle document, essential for a full-functioning TOC

The most frustrating thing in building a Kindle Document is if you have a working Table of Contents (TOC) that won't show up on your Kindle Reader.

The key to building a Table of Contents is that after you build a hyperlink table of contents you have to bookmark it in your document and then add it to the guides in MobiPocket by adding #TOC immediately after the .html tag. So if your file is called book.html, in the guides file it should read book.html#TOC

Every guide you add is the same with #start for a start page, etc.

Good luck!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Making Kindle Books

This is a great resource for making kindle books. Does anybody out there have lots of experience with it? We are just starting to do it.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Award 2011

Moctezuma Johnson won Best Erotica Blog 2011 & Best Erotica Writer 2011.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Publishing World

The Publishing Business sucks. What's left. Amazon has totally taken over and eBooks are in forever. Unless you're a best-selling author you are basically fucked hard until your bowels are bathed deep in blood. A beginning author who wants to write literature has little chance unless she's an unbelievable talent -- and even then the chances are not great. You're more likely to get free pancakes at IHOP served on gold plates by Dr. Seuss characters than get more than 5,000 people to buy your first book. So what is there to do? 

Some authors just work their regular day jobs (if they even have them) and then publish for the pleasure of a few close friends, family, and a small network of writers they know. 

There are the academic journals, but they don't get you too far either. 

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A fun, dirty, psycho-erotic series